free your inner artist
When writing this book, I drew on wisdom passed down through the ages in the fields of philosophy, psychology, spirituality and art, as well as my own experiences of learning, teaching, healing and painting. I hope it gives ideas, encouragement and joy.
FREE YOUR INNER ARTIST, by Penny Stanway, encourages you to:
Make time to be creative
Discover your style
Find which materials and methods suit you best.
Free your creative energy - or ‘inner artist’.
If your creative energy is locked away, you may not paint at all, or your work may lack sparkle and shine.
Freeing your inner artist's 'fire' can:
Provide strength and confidence to express your unique way of seeing and understanding the world
Suffuse your paintings with your imagination, symbols and style.
Enrich your paintings with your emotions, desires, dreams, intuition, yearning and awe at the mystery of life.
Make you happier
Make you feel more connected with your environment and those around you.
Help you relax, bring up memories, use your dreams and manage adversity.
Give you the thrill of making your mark.
Channel input from your body, soul and psyche, rather than only the rational, thinking side of your brain.
Let you express truth and beauty.
Illuminate your journey as you walk the ‘road less travelled’ in search of the meaning of life.
Influence how others 'see', understand and act in the world.
How to involve your inner artist in the practicalities of painting.
How and what to paint.
The process of painting.
Caring for your creations.
Keeping an art log.