GREEN BABIES details how to care for your baby in an environmentally friendly way.
FIRST BABY AFTER 30 ... OR 40? and COPING WITH YOUR PREMATURE BABY offer practical and emotional guidance to women who are pregnant, or trying, or have a low-weight baby.
NEW GUIDE TO PREGNANCY AND BABYCARE (US - MOTHERCARE NEW GUIDE TO PREGNANCY AND CHILD CARE) is a user-friendly and jargon-free guide for expectant and new parents on how to look after their unborn baby, their new arrival ... and themselves.
FEEDING YOUR BABY, written with Sara Lewis, gives clear advice on how to ease your baby through the first year, how and when to introduce foods and drinks other than milk, and what to give.
THE LUNCHBOX BOOK and GOOD FOOD FOR KIDS both carry on the common-sense approach to giving children nutritious foods in balanced and attractive meals and snacks.